They came from Brazil this morning. She cames for the second time on this trip, husband came to Japan for the first time. They really like eating Ja…
We were not confirming each other 's reservation, so I was stay in another place at the appointed time. But suddenly I got a message from them, they…
They reading articles from Taiwanese bloggers, then decided to make a reservation for a long time before and contacted many times. So I was very ha…
Today my customers came from Shanghai, they are doing sugar craft. They are visiting Japan for making and studying Japanese sweets. Everyone w…
She doesn’t like meeting time be late, so she ran desperately, thank you so much! She was very charming and beautiful lady, conversation with her I w…
We were a little tense first time, butmaking the Japanese sweets together after all became the smile. I was very glad because mother as…
She came to Japan on a first single trip from Shingapore. We cooked four kinds of traditional Japanese sweets and really enjoy talk to a lot of t…
A wonderful family came from Hong Kong. This time we made Traditional Japanese dishes. I’m happy to meet such a lovely and full of love and genero…