Everyone had always flashes sweetest smile, sostill now I miss everyone's smiling faces, because smile attracts people and makes our happy. Thanks …
We were a little tense first time, butmaking the Japanese sweets together after all became the smile. I was very glad because mother as…
The cherry trees were in full blossom time thank you for visit to Osaka. This trip your enjoy new experience, and full of adventure. I hope you …
Last time I can't accepted a reservation because I had some schedule, but customers contacted me again, then today they came to my lesson. We enjoye…
本日2回目の「Do Fun OSAKA」モニター体験会を 開催頂き6名の皆様に和菓子体験をして頂きました。 皆様と”日本と海外”について楽しく語り合い、所要時間90分の所 気がつけば180分!!驚きですよね。でもそれ位楽しい時間を 皆様と一緒に過ごせた事に感謝しております。 本日は皆様…
She came to Japan on a first single trip from Shingapore. We cooked four kinds of traditional Japanese sweets and really enjoy talk to a lot of t…
昨日は「Do Fun OSAKA」のモニター体験会を 開催頂き6名の皆様に和菓子体験をして頂きました。 終始和やかな雰囲気で、笑いが耐えず互いに 助けないながらあっという間に3種類の和菓子を 上手に作って下さいました。 本当は後もう一品作って頂きたかったのですが… 時間が無く…残念で…
This time she traveling in Japan first time and alone, because she loves to challenge herself to new things. She wanted to try to see Japanese culture…
The OSAKA CONVENTION & TOURISM BUREAU’s visitors. The Cutomer chosen Japanese Homemade Dishes (一汁三菜). They were able to make Japanese omelette(T…
A wonderful family came from Hong Kong. This time we made Traditional Japanese dishes. I’m happy to meet such a lovely and full of love and genero…